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Tall palm trees, solitary, hermaphroditic or occasionally functionally dioecious (Australian-New Guinean species). Stem erect, ringed, basally with persistent leaf bases. Crown more or less globose, with skirt of dead leaves. Leaf palmate to costa palmate, induplicate; petiole elongate, armed along margins, usually with robust spines; adaxial hastula conspicuous, abaxial hastula poorly developed to absent; blade splitting along adaxial ribs, usually into single-fold segments. Inflorescence interfoliar; branched to 5 orders; peduncle elongate, peduncular bracts lacking or one; rachis longer than peduncle; rachis bracts loosely tubular like the peduncular bract; partial inflorescences (first order branches) 3–9, decreasing in size towards the distal nodes. Flowers inserted in groups of 3–6; stamens 6, fused to the corolla basally forming a cuplike structure; gynoecium united apically in slender style. Fruit one-seeded, greenish blue, leaden blue to purple at maturity, globose to elliptical, more than 1 cm long; epicarp smooth, mesocarp fleshy; endocarp bony. Seed with homogeneous endosperm penetrated by an intrusion of the seed coat. Germination remote-tubular.
Twenty five species in NE. Trop. Africa, S. Yemen, Bangladesh to Japan and Australia. Three species in Thailand.