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Livistona speciosa Kurz.
Genus: Livistona
Palm tree up to 25 m tall. Stem 20–30 cm diam. Crown with 30–60 leaves. Leaf sheath 40–50 cm long, extending in up 20 cm long ligules; petiole 1.4–1.9 m long, armed basally with proximally swollen, up to 2.5 cm long, recurved spines; blade almost circular, wavy 2–2.1 m long, divided in 90–110 single-fold segments, lustrous green above, glaucous green below. Inflorescence branched to 4 orders; peduncle c. 50 cm long; prophyll c. 30 cm long; peduncular bracts partly contained within prophyll; rachis 100–120 cm long, first order branches 5–8; second order branches up to 26 on one first order branch; rachillae numerous, up to 22 cm long. Flowers in clusters of 5–7, sessile on small tubercles, sepals 1–2 mm long, petals 2.5–4 mm long. Fruit elliptic to obovoid, 2.5–3.5 cm long, lustrous bluish green, seed coat intrusion lateral.